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Recap Show: Perry Husband Welcome to The Baseball Awakening Podcast where we dive into the raw, unfiltered, unsexy side of player development. Summary: On this episode, Host, Geoff Rottmayer, recaps his conversation with Perry Husband of Hittingisaguess.com. The biggest takeaways that he discussed on this show are:
  • There is a lot more to learn to become a black belt at EV.
  • Interesting the experiment that came to Perry mind when he was trying to figure things out.
  • How exit velocity was a way to quantify and measure his theory.
  • Data is not science, just a theory until it is tested and measured.
  • and many more.
Website: www.baseballawakening.com Facebook: Baseball Awakening Podcast Twitter: Baseball Awakening Podcast Instagram: The Baseball Awakening Podcast Email Address: geoff@baseballawakening.com
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